E-commerce Management - Rocket Marketing

E-commerce Management

Service Details

E-commerce Management

E-Commerce Management: Maximize Your E-commerce Success: Let Our Experts Optimize, Manage, and Grow Your Online Store for Maximum Sales and Profitability.

Account Setup and Optimization

This involves setting up and optimizing client accounts on Amazon and Noon to ensure that they are optimized for search engines, have clear product listings, and are fully functional with appropriate settings and configurations.

Product photography

We provide full photography & editing of products for your online store and catalogue listing. Making sure that customers find your products attractive and compelling to buy.

Product Listing Management

Managing product listings on Amazon and Noon involves creating and optimizing product descriptions, titles, images, and pricing, as well as ensuring that product information is accurate and up-to-date.

Inventory Management

Managing inventory on Amazon and Noon involves monitoring and managing stock levels, replenishing inventory, and ensuring that products are available for purchase at all times.

Order Processing and Fulfillment

This involves processing orders, managing order fulfillment, and providing customer support to ensure that orders are delivered on time and to the satisfaction of the customer.

Advertising Management

Advertising on Amazon and Noon involves managing pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns to promote products and drive traffic to the client's storefront. This includes identifying target keywords, creating ads, and optimizing campaigns for maximum ROI.